Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thing 15 of the 23 mobile things


I would like to tell you about the amazing infographics that I discovered on all of the apps I was able to download or all of the complicated and enlightening information I was able to share in a visually informative way, but instead I will tell you about finally being thwarted by my devices and the many ways the apps of the world are very heavily Apple leaning.

I attempted to find Infographics Hub on both my Kindle and my phone but the app is not compatible with either. I then attempted to find an alternative option, as I have so many other times, no such luck. Finally, I searched for infographics apps on the internet and read several blogs which suggested solutions to my problem. The best suggestion I found was a recommendation to use Quick Office or whatever office program you regularly use to create graphics in the Power Point like program. So here goes...

I do like the visual format that an infographic offers for sharing data and I think that most people just scan the image rather than read it, so clarity is vital. It doesn't seem that an app is necessarily the easiest way to find existing infographics. I did see a few which offered an infographic a day rss feed, but a quick search on the web will do as well at bringing back a good selection better fit to a specific topic.

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